Monday, June 25, 2012

Assignment A (WIP06) Effects

We came out with ideas on what effects to have in our game.
So for me, I will be doing..

1. Create effects on the foot when it jumps.
2. Create a alert effect when the character gets closer to the guns.
3. Animate the surrounding lighting darker when the light decreases.

The alert effect could be something like this and will be glowing..

Assignment A (WIP06)

We presented our game today!

Amendments to make:
1. Increase the rotation speed
2. Add lighting to scene (was too dark)
3. Solve the problem with the positions of the buttons
4. Automating shooting

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Assignment A (WIP05)

Previously I was having problems when importing the animation was because I did not checked the bake animation while exporting it to FBX file. Also I added rigid body to all the geometries in Unity which was wrong, I should only add rigid body to the geometries that will move. So with the help of Mr.Ron, I exported the animated character with the bake animation checked and imported it back to Unity. Also I added the split animation and adjust it by shortening the frame and checked the "loop" to get the best running animation and added it to the character. And it works!

For the move script we added to the character, we adjusted the values to make the movements, rotation and jump to suit our game. I added box and mesh colliders to all the geometries to prevent the character from going through them.

character in game


I helped with the part when our character collects the coins and it disappears. I also helped with editing the timer and score scripts and make them worked. Like adding "public GUIText;" in order to assign them correctly with the respecting texts.

about to get the 5th coin


My group mates also did the start, how to play and game over menus.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Assignment A (WIP04)

I did the running animation for the character in Maya.

However I'm having difficulties in importing the animation into Unity. The movements seems to be totally different from what I have animated above.